Monday, 23 July 2012

Hello Sunshine!

I hope you're all experiencing this GlOrIoUs weather!  Doesn't the sun just make the world seem a better place?

We headed back to Chawton today to enjoy a spot of lunch and then a lovely walk down to St Nicholas'

Such amazing blue skies!

It was so cool and tranquil inside the church, the sun pouring through the stained glass was simply stunning!

Behind the little church Jane Austen's sister, Cassandra and also their Mother, Cassandra lie.  I find it a little sad that Jane is not with them here in this beautiful place that she loved so much.

BeAuTiFuL stone work

Oh look, there's my dream home again! :)

Warning!  Cow Parsley overload coming up!

But the really are so so delicate and pretty I can't resist them!

The weather looks set to stay with us here in the south for a little bit longer, yay! Some hooky time in the garden tomorrow me thinks!



  1. Lovely pictures. I love little church gates.
    Its great to have a bit of sun. It really lifts your spirits.

  2. I love when the sun is out and there is a nice breeze...I could stay outside all day if I could...I just reading Pride and Prejudice!

  3. Wonderful pictures!! I love the one with the stunning blue sky!

  4. How gorgeous. I had a fever today and lay in the dark feeling miserable for most of it. Hopefully tomorrow ill make more of it. The church reminds me of the one we got married in. Loverly.

  5. your dream home looks lovely! The sunshine really does make the world a happier place :) x

  6. Wow that picture of the cow parsley against the blue sky is stunning.Glad you had a lovely day in the sunshine.Long may it last! ;0)

  7. Your photos are beautiful, enjoy the sunshine I hope it sticks around for a while.

  8. What a nice post! Great pictures!
    I'm really happy to see that your country finally got some sun! I hope the weather won't change so that you can enjoy your summer!
    Have a great week! ;)

  9. Great photos as always..loving your dream home as well!!Hope you have many more days of sunshine...we just have rain and more must have blown my way!!

  10. oh what a lovely sun here...but keeping my fingers crossed it is on it's way. Have a great day.

  11. Lovely photographs! Great to see some sunshine - we're still waiting here in Scotland!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  12. Lovely piccies Victoria,doesnt it make such a change to see blue skies! Have a lovely dayxxx

  13. Lovely photos, and I am walking round as if on eggshells - whispering so as not to break the spell....isn'this *@&-shine wonderful??

  14. I love cow parsley, lovely photos of it! I have a cultivated variety in my garden, a bronzey (although they listed it as black)coloured one. Sounds like you had a super day. XXX

  15. I might be stuck in the office this week but it's far nicer looking out to blue skies!

    Victoria xx
